Felony Drug Charges? Learn More from Law Offices in Los Angeles
Felony drug charges are serious offenses that can result in significant legal penalties. In the state of California, drug offenses are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies based on the type of drug involved and the amount of the drug in question. If you are facing felony drug charges in Los Angeles, it is important to consult law offices in Los Angeles who can guide you through the legal process. Here are a few things to know: Penalties If convicted of a felony drug offense in Los Angeles, you could face significant penalties such as prison time, probation, fines, and mandatory drug treatment programs. These penalties can have a major impact on your life and your future, so it is crucial to have a strong defense strategy. Defense Strategies There are several defense strategies that a skilled criminal defense lawyer can use to challenge felony drug charges. For example, they may argue that the evidence was obtained illegally or that there was no intent to distribute dru...