If I am Out Of The Country, How To Hire Criminal Attorney in California?

 There are a lot of people who retain a criminal attorney from an out-of-country position.

They usually do it for a family member or a relative who is here in custody in the country or maybe they’re out of custody but looking for a good attorney who can handle their case.

Communication: No Bar

Communication these days is seamless as it can be done through WhatsApp and various other platforms of communication like e-mail etc.

While you are out of the Country, Dealing with warrants

One big question that revolves around these cases is when somebody is out of the country, how exactly can your criminal defense in California handle the warrant without you coming into the country?

But if it’s a felony warrant then they usually will not allow you to handle the warrant remotely and thus require you to be physically present in the country.

 Your attorney can talk to the judge and explain that you have hired them to handle the case and that you want to deal with the warrant but you won't just fly in because you are afraid of being arrested at the airport itself.

While you travel - Remove a warrant from the system

If the case is serious enough then they are going to initiate extradition proceedings and they usually take a very long time and are very difficult.

All the judge has to do is to take the warrant out of the system for 1 week or two that will allow you to travel into the country.

Keeping You Out of Custody

How your attorney for criminal defense is going to deal with any bail issues is to be discussed and then in the end, How to ultimately resolve such a case on your behalf so that you can freely move forward with your life and return to your home country if that is your wish.


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