Will a Person Face Criminal Charges for Prescribing Drugs to Someone?

 It’s often hard to see your friend or your loved one going through a painful headache or migraine, prescribing them an OTC medicine to relieve their pain is no harm, but beware this Samaritan work could get you into hot water. Do you know you could face criminal charges for prescribing an analgesic drug or any other kind of drug to your friend? Read this article to know more.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Prescribing any type of drug to your friend or to a loved one can guarantee you jail time. It’s a straight violation of federal and state laws. It can lead to numerous criminal charges such as jail time, probation period, community services, and various other punishments.

Out of the doctor-pharmacist prescription setup, prescribing any sort of drug to anyone irrespective of everything is a serious crime. Distributing any sort of drug to any person without any proper authentic documentation is illegal. Analgesics drugs have been categorized as “Schedule II” drugs by the federal government. One can face criminal charges for prescribing these category drugs. While the sedatives such as Xanax and other anxiety-relieving drugs have been categorized under “Schedule IV” by the federal government.

Keeping apart the criminal side, taking any drug without a prescription by a licensed medical practitioner can prove to be fatal for your health. You are unintentionally pushing your friend to drug addiction or drug abuse.

Now the question arises can a friend pick up your prescription from the pharmacist on your behalf? There isn’t any black-and-white answer to this question. A pharmacist can verify his ID and could hand over him the prescription, but that friend using a prescription for his own is highly illegal.

Not fully aware of the rules and regulations? Have you landed in a trouble? Looking for specialized professional legal advice. Contact the best criminal defense lawyer in California.


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