All About - Penalties For Common Traffic Violations

It might never make you feel like an outlaw but accidentally surpassing the speed limit or misinterpreting a parking sign across the street but violating certain rules in California is most likely to leave a bad impression on your record.

Not only does it affect your driving record but also has repercussions on the present day and future.

Most Common Citations 

Although it's not like facing criminal charges  but traffic tickets too can be a pain, here are the categories of citations - 

Parking Tickets - It is one of the low levels of citation that usually doesn't involve taking the court in the loop, the ticket usually mentions an agency to which you have to pay the fine.

If you wish to disagree with a concerned ticket then you might be in a need to contact the agency mentioned.

Infractions related to traffic - These tickets are a notch above the parking tickets and such tickets are dealt with by the police officers for offenses relating to running over stop signs, reckless driving, or over speeding.

There are also fix-it tickets that are given in cases where your vehicle's broken par is making the road unsafe.

Misdemeanor traffic tickets - This ticket covers the offenses which include driving your vehicle under the influence of some drugs or alcohol, and these two mentioned offenses are among the most common of the offenses that are categorized under a misdemeanour. Remember that driving without a legitimate driving license can also result in misdemeanor traffic tickets.

Potential Penalties - 

If you are found guilty of a traffic violation, it is of utmost importance to understand what are the likely consequences also if you can fight such a ticket.

Generally, the penalties include state and country penalties, also additional fees may accrue on account of additional services incurred, An attorney of criminal defense in California can also guide you on how the points are added to your record in case of violations.


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