All You Should Know About Grand Theft In California -
Irrespective of how much they are downplayed on television or in movies, charges of grand theft are of serious nature. Regardless of the lawsuit reaching the trial stage you still require the guidance and assistance of a committed criminal defense lawyer in California . Charges for grand theft: In California crime is classified into two major categories, petty and grand. By petty theft, we mean the properties that are valued below $950. Grand theft is considered to be when the property is more than that $950. Additional rules are also in place covering thefts of certain types of property in cases of grand theft. Penalties for Grand Theft: In California, the charge of grand theft is charged as a felony. However, the prosecutors have the freedom under California law to charge it as a misdemeanor depending upon the historical background of the criminal defendant and the facts of the case. It is to remember that the conviction of a misdemeanor is not more than one year. Penal Code Se...